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Karl Gademann

Karl Gademann (1972) was educated at ETH Zürich and Harvard University, where he worked with Prof. Dieter Seebach, Prof. Eric N. Jacobsen, and Prof. Erick M. Carreira. His previous professorial appointments include the EPFL in Lausanne and the University of Basel, where he served as full professor and dean of research. He just completed his term as chairman of the department of chemistry and is a member of the research council of the Swiss National Science Foundation.

His work has been recognized by a number of international awards, including the Latsis prize, the Novartis Early Career Award, the Ružička Medal, The Liebig Lecture by the German Chemical Society, and the European Young Investigator Award. He  delivered the Novartis Chemistry Lecture at the University of Illinois in 2016. In summer 2020, he was named as a Fellow of Chemistry Europe.

